“The vast, untamed continent of Africa, with its mosaic of wild places, supports a staggering diversity and abundance of creatures and plant life.
The landscapes are extensive and timeless, ranging from harsh yet transcendentally beautiful deserts to lush forests or tropical beaches.
Sweeping grassy savannas and bushlands stretch between rivers, lakes and majestic mountains.”
“Living in Africa, it is not hard to be captivated by majesty and splendour, and be imbued with a sense of awe and wonder.
Places that are remote impart a feeling of utter peace and humility, deeply affecting all the senses.
For excitement and exhilaration, nothing compares with an unexpected wildlife encounter, witnessing raw nature at its best.”
Understanding Africa
“Time spent in the bush with a good camera is vital for any wildlife artist.
To accurately portray your subject on canvas you need to truly understand the animals and the surroundings in which you find them.
The African Bush has a unique feel and look to it, understanding the lighting, the plant life that your subjects relate to and the way the animals and birds move is all so important if you wish to capture what is so special about Africa and the amazing wildlife that is found here.” – Leon Fouché
The Sheer Beauty of the Natural Realm
“Our work is an artistic tribute to the sheer beauty of the natural realm. The paintings are based on our personal experiences in the field, and are fuelled by a passion for the creatures, both large and small, that we portray.
Our living environment and its inhabitants are unique and exquisite, and deserve to be treated with utmost respect and care.” – Ingrid Fouché